British scientists claim to develop a new cancer vaccine. It’s going to be a new milestone to achieve in the field of Medical Science.

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Image by New Medical

NIN Web Desk : (Dr subhrojyoti chattopadhyay) ; Various researches are going on regarding the modern treatment of cancer. There are also several types of cancer vaccines on the market, such as the human papillomavirus vaccine that can prevent cervical cancer and the hepatitis B vaccine that can reduce the risk of liver cancer.

However, British scientists are researching another type of vaccine, which they claim can reduce the risk of all types of cancer. It is reported that British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals (GSK) and Oxford University scientists are jointly developing the vaccine.

Oxford researcher Sarah Blagden said that the task of the vaccine is to find and destroy neoantigens. Neoantigen is a type of protein that grows in cancer cells. A protein called neoantigen will be produced where the body’s cells begin to divide irregularly and continue to form tumors. Where the number of these proteins is high, the risk of cancer cells is also high.

Anticancer drugs also seek to destroy this protein. But once this protein starts to form, it is very difficult to stop it. That’s why cancer cells start to spread very quickly and damage the surrounding healthy cells as well.The task of the new vaccine would be to find and destroy the neoantigen at its source. Or activating the body’s own immune T-cells in such a way that the cancerous protein cannot be produced.

Sarah claims that if the new vaccine is administered in the right dosage, there will be no risk of cancer in at least 20 years. GSK’s chief scientific officer Tony Wood said the ‘trial’ of the vaccine has begun in humans. He said that there is a plan to make 5 crore doses of the vaccine annually. If the results of the trial in humans are as expected and the vaccine is approved, it will be possible to reduce the risk of cancer. There is an age limit for vaccination.

Cancer prevention is best between the ages of 9 and 45. If an allergy or serious side effect occurs after the first dose of the vaccine, it should not be taken again. However, scientists claim that the new vaccine will not have any side effects.

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