NIN Web Desk : (Dr Subhrajyoti Chattopadhyay) ; Few days back there has been a case where fungus was present in Ringer’s Lactate Solution which was manufactured by West Bengal Pharmaceuticals. There was a Death of a patient and others were seriously ill for which they were brought via Green Corridor to SSKM Hospital.

Yesterday on 29th January 2025 GOVERNMENT OF WEST BENGALDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & FAMILY WELFAREDIRECTORATE OF DRUGS CONTROL had issued a Notice to Pharma Impex Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. to stop the manufacturing activity of all categories of drugs.According to the Notice issued by Govt of West Bengal, Dept of Health and Family Welfare.There was an inspection carried out on 21.01.2025 to 23.01.2025 by Asstt. Drugs Controller (I), CDSCO H.Q., New Delhi and Inspectors of CDSCO H.Q. New Delhi and CDSCO (East Zone) Kolkata along with Inspectors of State Drugs Control Directorate of the manufacturing factory of Pharma Impex Laboratories.
It has been stated that there is a risk Based Inspection where it appeared grossly deficient (Critical 05 & Major 26) in compliance with the current GMP standards (Schedule-L1, Schedule-M) of the Drugs & Cosmetic Rules 1945.In exercise of power conferred upon the Deputy Director of Drugs Control,
Government of West Bengal as licensing authority for the purpose of Rule 85(2) of the Drugs and Cosmetic Act 1940 and Ruse framed there under, the firm is hereby asked to show cause as to why their licence will not be suspended or cancelled for violations of Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 as llentie wil in Risk Inspection from 20.01.2025 to 23.01.2025.Since Pharma Impex Pvt Ltd have failed in GMP standards then what will be the fate of the patients who already had the medicines/saline.
Now once again it will be treated as the Negligence of the Doctors. Doctors always do their duty well and if Pharma Companies somehow fail to produce a good quality of Saline Solutions or Drugs then why to blame the Doctors. Is it somehow the bureaucrats or someone influential is being saved? Why will the Doctors be targeted every time just because they are soft spoken and gentle.
This can’t go on those who are responsible in manufacturing such low quality Drugs/Solutions they must be brought under Investigation at earliest and exemplary punishment should be given.