The demand of MSc clinical teachers violate some basic ethos of medical education

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NIN News Desk : The MSc clinical teachers violate some basic ethos of medical education.

1. Eligibility :

In short, to teach a future doctor one needs to be a doctor as every single topic a MBBS/MD student is taught, is integrated into real life clinical applications. It requires fairly deep clinical insights, something that mere classroom teaching/lab work can not replace.

2. Integrated medical education :

All over the world, new medical education policy is oriented towards teaching real life clinical scenarios to undergraduates from the beginning + interdisciplinary teaching for exchange of ideas for core research and clinical work. Only medical doctors are equipped to deal with this complex environment.

3. Interdisciplinary hospital work environment: As evident from Western institutes & certain INIs, routine involvement of certain specialities in clinical work environment (e.g. Pharma, Micro, Physio, Anatomy, Patho) builds the essential scientific approach towards holistic patient care & safety and promote further clinical research. Only medical doctors are equipped to deal with this complex environment. This model from INIs has to be implemented across all teaching & non teaching institutes.

4. Marginalization of certain medical branches (in both clinical & core biological research work) : The lack of utilisation of valuable skill sets from certain specialities comes from the lack of clarity of NMC regarding education policy. Core biological research is highly essential for the development of lack of access to state of the art laboratories, lack of well established paths for advanced Biotech/Genetic/Molecular Biology research already deprive doctors from taking up alternate career prospects.Lateral entry of non medical professionals in routine teaching positions will further disincentivize young doctors to take certain branches and aggravate the dearth of faculties.

(Article by Dr Subhrajyoti Chattopadhyay )

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