The Union budget was announced yesterday by Nirmala Sitaraman, but has it been a good one in the Health sector?

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NIN Web Desk :(Dr. Subhrajyoti Chattopadhyay) ; In the Quality of Medical Education: No budgetVacancies for Doctors: No budget

Spend in healthcare sector : No budget

Accountability of Exam bodies NMC, NBE, NTA to conduct exams with fairness : No Budget

Har ghar doctor banao Yojana : Full budget.

Full duty exemption on 36 life-saving medicines. Duty exemption reduced by 5% on six essential medicines. To an outmost dismay there hasn’t been any reduction of price in the daily medicines like anti-diabetic drugs, anti-hypertensive drugs etc which are required mostly in the middle class family.

This budget especially on Healthcare/Medical Science hasn’t been a good one. If the daily required medicine prices are not reduced then where will the Middle class family go?Coming to crucial things like increasing the number of seats is not a Solution if the Infrastructure isn’t correct. Not only that nowadays Recruitment in Govt Health Sectors has also ceased a lot in the entire Country.

Faculties present in the Colleges are also less according to different sources especially in the Government Sectors. Questions arose as how the feasibility of increasing seats happened without ensuring the availability of faculty and proper facilities.Yesterday countless complaints from students, particularly in peripheral areas, about the severe shortage of professors were received. Expanding medical education with an already broken infrastructure is occurring.

MBBS are turning into the next BTech, producing graduates with no employment opportunities. If the government cannot create job vacancies, what is the point of increasing seats? We are headed toward a crisis where doctors, like engineers, may be left struggling for employment.

In some states already the issue has been started where Doctors are struggling because of unemployment and forced to work at low wages in Private Sectors. Does the Union Finance Minister have answers to these questions? Without a solution how can a problem be solved?

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